10 Historic Paintings That Clearly Show UFOs

10 The Annunciation With Saint Emidus 1486 The Annunciation with Saint Emidus, which was painted in 1486 by Italian artist Carlo Crivelli, shows the Virgin Mary shortly before she realizes that she will give birth to Jesus the savior. A beam of light coming from a round opening in the sky to Mary’s head is said by most mainstream art critics and historians to be the halo of the Lord projecting down to Mary. However, UFO and alien enthusiasts have interpreted the halo as a disc-shaped UFO. Their belief is that Jesus was not divine at all. Instead, it was the result of genetic engineering and the implanting of a child into the unsuspecting Immaculate Conception. Supposedly, she was abducted and impregnated by an alien race. They argue that the beam of light striking Mary while she is indoors is consistent with modern-day alien abductions. Many people who claim to have been abducted state that they were inside their homes when a strange light shone from outside the ...